16 Nov The Joys of Eating from Your Own Garden
Thinking of starting a small home garden? If yes, then you should know the process of getting it up and running, can be quite daunting. There is just so much to deal with, from selecting the right spot, the right plant to the garden design. However, once it’s said and done and you’re holding your bounty, you’ll realize that every step was worth your while. Other than fulfillment, the joys that come with eating from your garden include
Money Savings
Buying fruits, vegetables, and any other type of produce can be quite costly. This is because for every bunch of groceries you take home, you pay for taxes as well as packaging costs. When you eat from your garden, on the other hand, all you need is a few dollars for the supplies and maintenance, and you can save the rest or treat yourself to a fun day at desert hot springs spa.
Better Nutritional Content for You and Your Loved Ones
Fruits, veggies, and virtually any produce is most nutritious in its rawest form. That is when it’s still in the soil or a few days after it’s picked. So feeding your family straight from the garden means that every plate or every bite they take from the fruit is packed with the best of nature’s goodness and is thus more beneficial.
Keeps You Active
If your job involves working at home or you are a stay at home, mom or dad, gardening is a great distraction and a rewarding way to keep yourself occupied. It requires physical input, which is better than no physical activity at all. Gardening has been proven to help improve cardiac health, body strength, and enhance immunity. So if you’ve been looking for something to do that doesn’t involve leaving your home, then you should consider eating from your garden.
Environmental Sustainability
Eating from your garden greatly benefits Mother Nature. First, it means few fresh-produce trucks on the road and, consequently, less green-house emissions. It also means less plastic packaging used to wrap produce to you, and as a result, less plastic in the environment. It also puts you in control of the pesticides you use, and hence, less environmental contamination. It might seem like an insignificant impact, but it’s a step in the right direction. If more people do the same, then the environment will be even better.
Peace of Mind
One of the most significant joys of eating from your garden is knowing that no harmful fertilizers or cancer-causing pesticides were used in your produce. It puts you in control of every step, from planting, harvesting to cooking. So while the whole world is worried about contamination, you and your family will be enjoying delicious, nutritional organic produce.
Reduce Food Waste
Eating from your garden means that your kids will be more motivated to eat those veggies because they also helped grow them. Additionally, unlike when buying at the grocery store and end up buying in excess, you only pick the amount of produce you need hence reducing wastage. Also, it’s easy to throw away an apple whose origin you have no idea than the one you had to wait for ages before it could even sprout. So you’ll be more responsible, thus reducing food wastage.
More Wins
A big dream starts in a small garden. What began as a single tomato plant could end up a huge farm full of tomatoes and other veggies. Make sure to take care of yourself, and make the time to do the things you love doing. Consider treating yourself and your spouse to an enjoyable spa retreat at our desert hot springs resort.